Change MYSQL DB Notes / MC_ATGInfo

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Change MYSQL DB Notes / MC_ATGInfo


The Config_Tank_Information table is the source of the identity of the Tanks (TankID) and the Tank Capacity (Capacity).


Blaine will added a new field into MC_ATGInfo table to hold the UniqueID from the Config_Tank_Information table and use a trigger to do the update. This will speed up data retrieval.

(Koch: This can be added to your Server app later]


MC_BitSwitches and MC_ATGInfo have  a field called RecodeID which is the UniqueID of the MC_HeatbeatATG and this would help ties these tables to the same Tank.

It probably would have made sense to add the UniqueID from the Config_Tank_Information table into MC_HeatbeatATG, but I think the same result can be derived doing it either way.



Best Regards

Neal Singh

082 4593467

Ph: 011 615-3437