How to do the RFID v1.0 Programming using the ATTiny104

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How to do the RFID v1.0 Programming using the ATTiny104


Board and programmer connector:


List of changes for HW V1.0

  1. 36 turns coil (30mm diameter or more)
  2. Add pull up to reset line
  3. Remove R3 and R11
  4. R1 must to be 0R
  5. R7 must to be 15k

Programming sequence

  1. Open Atmel Studio
  2. Click on Device Programming

  3. Replace ATTiny104 by ATTiny102
  4. Click on “Apply”
  5. Read signature

  6. Click on Memories
  7. Open the file located on RFID_Reader_v1.0\Release\RFID_Reader_v1.0.elf
  8. Click on Program
  9. Check the Verification after programming


RFID v1.0 Programming (1).docx (1M) Download Attachment