MQTT Topic Required

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MQTT Topic Required

'Neal Singh
The MQTT comm will be FIXED length and no separators  in this format;
Stx, map version number, payload length, payload, etx  
NB: STX and ETX will only be for Test purposes with the MPC. 
The MQTT wont send these.

The Server will need to Subscribe to 2 Topics

1. The Initialization Topic of all new devices

2. The future assigned SITEID

When it is a new born device, it will Publish to the SERVER on the Initialization Topic and send it UniqueID and will receive its SITEID#. There after it will not use the Initialization Topic again and it will Publish to the Server on the Topic of it SITEID.

The SERVER would need to be Subscribe to the Initialization Topic and the SiteID that it has issued to the devices.