Master Controller Setting up Attendant Tag Numbers on the MC

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Master Controller Setting up Attendant Tag Numbers on the MC


Master Controller:  Setting up Attendant Tag Numbers on the MC

(see Vehicle Tag Setup first)

Just like the Vehicle Tags, the memory structure for setting up the Attendant Tags required a command to load the data and a separate command to load the Tag assigned to each logical Attendant.


The same approach as Drivers and Vehicles applies here in how the Tag Numbers are captured.

NB: If the Rights are 00, this attendant will be allowed to start a pump, otherwise this tag can only be used with an account tag.

/************************ Attendants Rigths *******************/

#define ATT_RIGHT_NOT_RESTRICTIONS                              0

#define ATT_RIGHT_VEHICLE_FIRST                                        1

#define ATT_RIGHT_VEH_OR_DRIVER_FIRST                      2

#define ATT_RIGHT_SUPERVISOR                                             3






Master Controller Setting up Attendant Tag Numbers on the MC.docx (48K) Download Attachment