Mechanical Pump Pulser Test Jig corrected

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Mechanical Pump Pulser Test Jig corrected


Using the MCB900 Dev board
KB6 (Pin 20)  is the Activate Pulses Switch and this will start LED P2.7 Flashing.

There are 5 Preset Pulses

Pulse1 (KB1 -P26) Is Free running Pulse

Pulse2 (KB2 -P25) Will Stop at 0xff (255) pulses - LED P2.0 will come ON

Pulse3 (KB3 -P24) Will Stop at 0xffff (65535) pulses  - LED P2.1 will come ON

Pulse4 (KB4 -P23) Will Stop at 0x20000 (131071) pulses  - LED P2.2 will come ON

Pulse5 (KB5 -P22) Will Stop at 0x100000 (131071) pulses   - LED P2.3 will come ON


NB: Once Pulse1 reaches

0x150000 - LED P2.4 will come ON

0x200000- LED P2.5 will come ON

0x250000 - LED P2.6 will come ON

0x300000 - LED P2.7 will come ON - This will cause the Flashing to Stop, but the Pulses will continue on Pulse1