Re: ATG Message Format

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Re: ATG Message Format

'Neal Singh
Hi Juan,
This is a good question. 
Yes, there is mode of Master Controller that will work on a Mobile Dispenser where the Tank and Pump travels to Vehicles in the field and delivers fuel.
There is also a mode of authorization that will be possible then, that use the location of vehicles to know by proximity which vehicle is refueling, so the Tag will not always be required.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 11:02 AM Juanchi Garin <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Neal,

Excelent. About NMEA 0183 I worked a lot in the past and there are some libraries for arduino. 

Also I found some softwares for simulating the data.

I need to know, because I dont understant very well for what is the GPS? for the mobile devices, rigth? Because for the stationary has this sense to check continously or only the idea is that at the begining you have the coordinates for then offer in some app the position of the fuel station?



Libre de virus.

El mié., 12 jun. 2019 a las 21:34, Neal Singh (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
HI Juan,
Here is a good article on how to read the ATG data;  

This is a good example.
I will work on an MPC simulation for you