What are all the Features in Aviator Clone Script?

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What are all the Features in Aviator Clone Script?

Leaderboard: The Leaderboard will be located on the left side of the screen. In that screen, players' previous achievements and other factors related to the games will be intimated. It will be useful for them to play the game effectively.

Chat Message: Players can clarify their doubts with other bettors in the gameplay through the chat option. It will be helpful for them to exchange their gaming strategies.

Two Betting Option: Players can place two betting amounts at the same round. They can place one betting amount with a manual method and another betting amount with an automated method.

Auto Cash out Mode: This feature helps the players to fix the preset value of before the game starts. Once the flight reaches the fixed value, the winning amount will be automatically deposited into your account.

Above mentioned are the basic features of aviator clone. If any entrepreneurs want to integrate any additional features, you can contact MetaDiac, one of the trustworthy aviator clone script providers. They can add extra features as per the requirements of the clients.

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