MID 7.2 Tag Read Compatibility with PumpController and Legacy Tag Controllers

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MID 7.2 Tag Read Compatibility with PumpController and Legacy Tag Controllers


MID 7.2 Tag Read Compatibility with PumpController and Legacy Tag Controllers

The iButton.

This is the pattern of data on a Dallas iButton Tag as the SmartFuel Tag Controller reads the data and sends it to the PumpController.

The first 9 characters comes directly from the iButton and then the Tag Controller does the CRC check on the 8 preceding bytes to confirm that it is the same as the CRC as extracted from the Tag. There is no need to send the CRC twice, but that was a carryover from an earlier system.

Character 1 = “1” (Start sentinel)

Character 2 = “1” (Tag family code)

Next 6 characters = Tag number

Character 9 = Tag CRC

Character 10 = Calculated tag CRC


COM5 -> (R) [17]  32 01 0C 10 02 0A 01 01 75 1F 1E 01 00 00 DB DB 33


Now when creating the RFID Readers to be compatible with the PumpController, there was a challenge and this was solved by keeping the same data pattern as the iButton format.

There were some differences as the RFID had only 3 ID Bytes and a Facility Code which was zero for the Card were using. It was also decided that Facility Code can changed to 0x02 to be a “Family Code”



The Mistake

The intention was that a RFID Tag comm will look like this;

[17] 32 01 04 13 23 0A 01 02 9A D1 08 00 00 00 xx xx 33 

(Currently as in the MID V1.3.4)


But, instead of changing the second Byte to 0x02, the Start Sentinel was changed from 0x01 to 0x02 and we now have this;


[17] 32 01 04 13 23 0A 02 00 9A D1 08 00 00 00 F1 F1 33

(SmartFuel Legacy RFID Reader)


So the RFID Facility Code is still present and the Start Sentinel is not 0x01 but 0x02.


This is what we have;


Character 1 = “2” (Start sentinel)

Character 2 = “0” (RFID Facility Code)

Next 3 characters = Tag number

Next 3 characters = “000” padding

Character 9 = Tag CRC

Character 10 = Calculated tag CRC



Solution: What is important is to maintain what is workable on the PumpController and so a test was done using both devices and the good  news is that both worked as the first two Bytes don’t contribute to the Tag ID  number.



MID V1.3.4 RFID CARD#: 0005743633

2020/01/09|02:58:14:781|COMM : COM5 -> (R) [17]  32 01 02 11 02 0A 01 02 57 A4 11 00 00 00 4A 4A 33


2020/01/09|03:13:17:796|COMM : COM2 -> (R) [17]  32 01 02 13 23 0A 02 00 57 A4 11 00 00 00 30 30 33


The Facility Code can be used to filter out the Tags we want to read or reject.  It possible that we can define a code and we only use Tags that that have our Facility Code that we have defined, but for now, we can safely ignore the first byte and only use the 3 ID Bytes.



The iButton and RFID Tag Numbering Error.docx (38K) Download Attachment