The Master Controller Features – The Fuelling Process

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The Master Controller Features – The Fuelling Process

'Neal Singh

 The Master Controller Features – The Fuelling Process

Now that we got the core functionality doing some basic function, it would be important to review functionality and features of the system.



A possibility we did not cater for is more than one Master Controller on a site and this needs to be on the MQTT messaging to the Web.


Here what I suggest that can solve this; using Byte#2 on the Initialization Table to store the MC #




Any Tag (including Driver and Att) can be Tagged first, but its Rights will usually prevent the starting of the Pump.

00 <– means it will start the pump for an unlimited amount. The other Rights are obvious, but the Supervisor 0x03 can be Tagged first to allow even a failed authorization to be overridden and  fuelled. So if Tagged first, it will bypass all the checks of the vehicle and allow not more than Tank Capacity of the vehicle that is being stopped from fuelling.




The Driver and Vehicle Rights are similar with some additional ones;


Apply Local Limit refers to the Balance per Driver or Vehicle


Apply Account Limit refers to the Limit that each Account has. Both or either may apply and should both apply the fuelling limit will be determined by the one most likely to be exceed and the Pump will be preset for that amount.




Vehicle Account.

The Rights that apply to the Driver applies to the Vehicle and more.


The Vehicle Rights are more extensive. Should the Web Auth be applied, the data retrieved like the odometer and Driver must be sent to the Web for final Approval.

Now in the case of Web Authorization not being used, if Fuel is being refused, the Web can be also used for failed auths by a new Right just added;


All the data will be sent to the Web and the Web can give an approval or not.








The Master Controller Features -The Fuelling Process.docx (110K) Download Attachment